From November 8th to 12th 2015, Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic hosted the seventeenth session of the Latin American Society of Nutrition (SLAN) meeting. The event, which is held every three years, hosted about 1,200 researchers, health professionals and policymakers from across Latin America. Mondelēz International experts were active during the conference, sharing their expertise in slow-release carbohydrates:
- Mondelēz International sponsored activities and a booth showcasing Latin American products with wellbeing credentials.
- Mondelēz International Nutrition Research expert Sophie Vinoy gave a lecture in the scientific symposium “Carbohydrates: nutritional aspects and strategies for inclusion in a healthy diet”chaired by Prof. Angela Zuleta, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She gave a talk on the “Functional effect on glycemic response after consuming cereal-based products high in SDS as part of a balanced breakfast”. To learn more about slowly digestible starch and its potential health benefits, read our featured nutrition article about it.
- Maria Rosa Rabanal, Mondelēz International Nutrition Director for Latin America, in collaboration with Sophie Vinoy, spoke at the symposium entitled “The science of slow release carbohydrates for a moderate glycemic response: the example of belVita within a breakfast”.
The topics of glycemic response and the role of slow-release carbohydrates are being thoroughly investigated by Mondelēz International nutrition teams whose field of expertise includes a global approach starting from in vitro studies and proceeding to clinical studies and health claim applications. Collaborative work with our ingredient and technology experts leads to the development of great expertise in mastering the preservation of the intrinsic properties of starch during the process of developing grain foods with specific health benefits while constantly improving their nutritional composition.